Marietta Memorial Hospital: The Switch to Single-Use Duodenoscopes

Memorial Health System, which operates hospitals in Marietta, Ohio and health facilities across southeastern Ohio and northwestern West Virginia, is the first hospital system in the U.S. to convert to Ambu’s aScope Duodeno™ for ERCP procedures.

Watch below to learn from Dr. Juan Tejada and the Marietta Memorial surgical team about why switching to single-use was the right choice. Dr. Tejada and his team have used the aScope Duodeno in over 100 procedures.

Dr. Juan Tejada - Advanced Endoscopist | Marietta Memorial Hospital

Dr. Juan Tejada discusses why his facility fully converted to the single-use Ambu aScope Duodeno. Among the many reasons are the single-use duodenoscope’s ability to prevent complications related to cross-contamination, reprocessing, and supply. 

“We don’t have that problem anymore,” Dr. Tejada says. “There’s no worry about these things anymore because we have a brand-new scope ready to be used.”

“We are going forward because single-use is the future of endoscopy,” Dr. Tejada says.

Bob Williams - Surgical Services Director | Memorial Health System

“We took a risk that had been known to the patient, known to the system, and removed it,” Williams says. 

Barbie Anderson - Surgical Coordinator | Marietta Memorial Hospital

“This scope is single-use. Right there is automatic sterility,” Anderson says. “It’s single-use, it’s one-and-done. [Patients] don’t have to ever question whether it’s been used before.”

Ashley Dye - Registered Nurse | Marietta Memorial Hospital

“I have seen and read the research regarding cross-contamination with reprocessed scopes. I love the fact that the Ambu single-use duodenoscope is just that — it’s single use,” Dye says. 

Ashley Gerber - Scrub Tech | Marietta Memorial Hospital

“The threat of cross-contamination with a reusable scope is real,” Gerber says. “With the single-use Ambu scope, it’s non-existent. It’s zero.”

Nothing to Inspect. Nothing to Repair.

With the aScope Duodeno, you have a brand new, sterile, single-use duodenoscope straight from the pack every time, and there is no risk of patient cross-contamination. What’s more, there’s no need for costly reprocessing or repairs. The aScope Duodeno is familiar in form and function, delivering reliable performance for clinicians.

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