aScope RhinoLaryngo Supporting Evidence
There are many reasons why choosing a single-use rhinolaryngoscope is beneficial — to the clinician, the practice, and, ultimately, the patient. Our aScope™ 4 RhinoLaryngo Evidence Dossier explores the many health outcomes such as contamination and infection, health economics, product performance, and more. Open one of the sections below to review full-text publications and abstracts with links to their initial publication and research.
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Health Economics
The Single-use Rhinolaryngoscope: An Evaluation and Cost Comparison
Mistry et al.
A single-arm prospective trial where investigators tracked and followed the use of single-use and reusable scopes through procedures and subsequent processes. The investigation found that the aScope 4 RhinoLaryngo saved $5.66 and $103.32 per procedure when compared to reusable fiberoptic and video rhinolaryngoscopes, respectively.
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Reusable vs disposable nasopharyngoscopes: Cost analysis and resident survey
Walczak et al.
This single-center cost analysis in the United States uncovered a total cost per procedure for reusable nasopharyngoscopes of $197.88, compared to a total cost per procedure for the aScope 4 RhinoLaryngo of $170.36.
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Outcomes, Contamination and Infection
A Manufacturer and User Facility Device Experience Analysis of Upper Aerodigestive Endoscopy Contamination: Is Flexible Laynogscopy Different?
Jiang et al.
FDA Manufacturer and User Facility Device Experience (MAUDE) database houses thousands of medical device reports related to malfunction, patient injury, infection, and even patient death. This investigation reviewed MAUDE reports submitted between 2013 and 2019 regarding reusable nasopharyngoscope microbial contamination. 34% of device reports for reusable nasopharynogscopes were related to contamination, comparable to the frequency of contamination-related reports for reusable bronchoscopes, duodenoscopes, and gastroscopes.
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Microbiological Sampling of Common Otolaryngological Office Equipment: What Lessons Can We Learn?
Bhatt et al.
Random microbial sampling was performed on integral components of standard reusable visualization equipment in otolaryngology offices. Prior to microbial sampling, all equipment was decontaminated by following the standard protocol for Cidex soaking. 35% of the 20 samples were contaminated by bacteria, with human contamination found in 20% of the sample sites, including light cables, a laryngoscope eyepiece, and an otoscope handle.
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Comparative Study on Environmental Impacts of Reusable and Single-Use Bronchoscopes
Sorenson et al.
Reusable flexible bronchoscopes may have comparable or higher CO2 emissions and material and energy consumption than single-use bronchoscopes.
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Product Performance
Single-use versus Reusable Rhinolaryngoscopes for Inpatient Otolaryngoloy Consults: Resident and Patient Experience
Bowen et al.
This single-center prospective evaluation of the Ambu aScope 4 RhinoLaryngo for inpateint bedside consults found that residents rated the single-use platform higher overall across each metric captured including overall consult time, multiscope consults, patient communication and education, teaching opportunities, ease of use and visual clarity.
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Reusable vs disposable nasopharyngoscopes: Cost analysis and resident survey
Walczak et al.
An online survey was distributed to residents across the United States who's institutions have implemented the use of aScope 4 RhinoLaryngo. Analysis of survey results found that aScope 4 RhinoLaryngo received higher ratings than reusable nasopharyngoscopes in ergonomics, setup, convenience, and overall score.
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First Experiences with a new flexible single-use rhinolaryngoscope with working channel - a preliminary study
Becker et al.
To assess user feedback on the aScope 4 RhinoLaryngo single-use endoscope, ten consecutive patients with an indication for rhinolaryngoscopy were examined with the single-use interventional scope by six different providers in 18 procedures. After the procedure, the providers completed a questionnaire concerning the image quality, maneuverability, ergonomics, and overall impression of the system on a 5-point scale. The results of the questionnaire indicate that the flexible single-use rhino-laryngoscope with a working channel can be a good alternative to conventional systems.
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Single-use Endoscopy for the Evaluation of Swallowing (FEES)
Cool et al.
The Ambu aScope 4 RhinoLaryngo was utilized by 23 speech language pathologists (SLP) performing FEES with a 100% procedural success rate. Additionally, SLPs highly rated the single-use scope across metrics such as ease of use, ease of insertion, bending capability, no cross-contamination risk, convenience and speed, and overall quality and functionality.
Improved Workflow
Improving Patient Access to Care: Single-use Rhinolaryngoscopes Implemented in SLP Practice
McWilliams et al.
At a large community hospital, a hybrid endoscopy model utilizing reusable and single-use rhinolaryngoscopes was adopted by the speech rehabilitation team. The team of 14 certified SLPs were surveyed on their experience with adopting single-use into their practice, and the results showed high incidence of scope availability issues with the reusable platform, with some members experiencing issues daily. Additionally, the SLPs noted increased time spent on direct patient care, and faster time to determine an appropriate medication route due to single-use.
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Understanding the Implications of Single-use Rhinolaryngoscopes for FEES Procedures on SLP Workflow
Haislip et al.
24 FEES-competent SLPs were surveyed on how a single-use rhinolaryngoscope platform could impact their ability to deliver care to patients. Nearly half of the respondents noted that they would be able to do more FEES if reusable scope availbility issues were eliminated, with 64% indicating they could perform 1-3 additional exmas per week. More than a third of respondents noted they would be able to spend more time on other billable tasks and discharge patients sooner, if a single-use platform was available in their facility.
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Utilizing Single-use Rhinolaryngoscopes for FEES: A Pre-/Post-Adoption Capability Assessment
McWilliams et al.
Following adoption of a hybrid rhinolaryngoscope system for the speech rehabilitation team, a retrospective analysis was performed assessing total FEES throughput and SLP workflow. In 2023 when utilizing the hybrid system, this community hospital maintained their high FEES volume with 1,738 exams completed. This workload was maintained compared to 2022, despite multiple SLPs out on short-term leave, maternity leave, and enabled the facility to expand their FEES training courses from one to three participants. Expanding their training courses meant there were more FEES-competent endoscopists available, when needed, and aleviated pressure on the team overall.
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View published studies on rhinolaryngoscope performance, sterility, cost-effectiveness, and COVID-19 implications. The studies support claims related to Ambu aScope 4 RhinoLaryngo single-use endoscopes.